HepCAPP Study for 40-64 year olds




What is Hepatitis C?

Hepatitis C is a common virus that anyone can catch. It can cause severe liver disease. Some people with Hepatitis C don't know that they have it. It is easy to treat. 

If you are aged 40- 64 years old, you may be invited to take part in the HepCAPP Study.

I have received an invite. What is involved?

You will be sent an Oral Swab home testing kit in the post. Taking the test is simple! It involves rubbing aswab along your gum line (not down your throat or up your nose). There will be instructions and a pre-paid envelope to send your sample back to us.

Why are we doing this study?

To help us find out how many people can be tested for Hepatitis C in this way and to estimate how many undiagnosed patients there are in the general population.

Do I have to take part?

No. If you would prefer not to be sent an invitation letter, please contact us by clicking here.

Published: Apr 8, 2022